1% | 11.22 kb | /var/www/rf-desktop/rf/resultados-futbol/besoccer/index.php |
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2% | 22.07 kb | phar://kint.phar/src/Kint.php |
0% | 1.77 kb | phar://kint.phar/src/FacadeInterface.php |
1% | 9.02 kb | phar://kint.phar/src/Utils.php |
0% | 2.54 kb | phar://kint.phar/init_helpers.php |
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1% | 4.87 kb | phar://kint.phar/src/Renderer/AbstractRenderer.php |
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0% | 1.83 kb | /var/www/rf-desktop/config_db_slave.php |
1% | 6.69 kb | system/db.php |
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0% | 1018 b | system/view.php |
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0% | 1.88 kb | system/phponrf.php |
0% | 354 b | application/config/routes.php |
1% | 9.11 kb | application/config/routes_file.php |
7% | 58.1 kb | application/controllers/team.php |
0% | 1.69 kb | application/helpers/convert_helper.php |
0% | 1.62 kb | application/helpers/lang_helper.php |
1% | 12.87 kb | application/helpers/date_helper.php |
1% | 7.14 kb | application/helpers/render_helper.php |
1% | 12.79 kb | application/helpers/url_helper.php |
0% | 1.29 kb | application/helpers/string_helper.php |
5% | 42.07 kb | application/helpers/normalize_responses.php |
6% | 53.1 kb | application/lib/lib.php |
2% | 17.69 kb | application/req/team.php |
1% | 5.83 kb | application/req/teams_competitions_history.php |
1% | 9.18 kb | application/req/ranking_players_competition.php |
2% | 19.44 kb | application/req/matches_team.php |
2% | 19.64 kb | application/req/tables.php |
0% | 3.1 kb | application/mods/exec_mods.php |
0% | 399 b | application/mods/team/migrated/breadcrumbs.php |
0% | 3.77 kb | application/mods/team/migrated/menu_team.php |
1% | 5.06 kb | application/mods/team/migrated/related_matchs.php |
0% | 979 b | application/mods/team/migrated/related_categories.php |
0% | 3.02 kb | application/mods/team/migrated/tables.php |
1% | 12.97 kb | application/views/common/header_view.php |
0% | 4.08 kb | application/views/common/quantcast/cfv3.php |
1% | 4.93 kb | application/mods/home/banner_cookies.php |
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0% | 104 b | application/views/common/adstop.php |
0% | 124 b | application/views/common/main_view_fw.php |
0% | 161 b | application/views/common/main_view.php |
0% | 191 b | application/views/common/sidebar_view.php |
1% | 7.38 kb | application/views/common/footer_view.php |
891.31 kb | Total |
Connection to sql... 8.7 ms
SELECT old,new FROM redirect WHERE old = 'partidos'
1 1.9 ms config/routes_file.php
TOTAL TIME 5.1 ms QUERIES 2 FILE config/routes_file.php
SELECT c.troncal, t.conference, c.id AS category_id, t.id as team_id,t.league_id,c.name as cat_name, c.name_english as cat_name_en,l.year,l.tables,l.current_round,l.group_code,l.total_group,c.active_year,c.alias, l.table_suffix, c.logo as league_logo FROM teams AS t INNER JOIN leagues_besoccer l ON l.id = t.league_id INNER JOIN categories_besoccer c ON c.id = l.categoryId WHERE t.teamId = 2837 AND c.ctype != 12 ORDER BY c.troncal DESC, l.year DESC, l.end_prev ASC, c.parentId ASC, c.coefficient DESC, l.group_code = 0 ASC, l.group_code ASC LIMIT 2
2 3.2 ms controllers/home.php
SELECT ct.id FROM categories_besoccer AS ct INNER JOIN leagues_besoccer AS l ON ct.id=l.categoryId AND ct.active_year=l.year INNER JOIN teams AS t ON l.id=t.league_id WHERE t.teamId=2837 AND ct.ctype!=12 AND ct.status=1 GROUP BY ct.id ORDER BY ct.troncal DESC, ct.coefficient DESC
3 2.7 ms controllers/home.php
SELECT ct.id, ct.alias, ct.name AS name, ct.logo, ct.CountryCode, ct.active_year, ct.location, ct.continent, ct.competition_type, ct.troncal, ct.coefficient AS coefficient, l.id AS league_id, l.year, l.total_teams, l.current_round, l.total_rounds, l.total_group, l.group_code, l.legend, l.legendExtra, l.playoff, l.end_prev, l.end_date, t.id as team_id, t.name as team_name FROM categories_besoccer AS ct INNER JOIN leagues_besoccer AS l ON ct.id=l.categoryId AND ct.active_year=l.year INNER JOIN teams t on t.teamId=2837 and l.id=t.league_id WHERE ct.id IN (92,325) ORDER BY ct.coefficient DESC, ct.id ASC, l.group_code ASC
4 4.1 ms controllers/home.php
SELECT dt.nameShow,(cast(tab.gf as signed) - cast(tab.ga as signed) + 100) as diff,tab.*,t.teamId FROM teams AS t INNER JOIN leagues l ON l.id = t.league_id INNER JOIN categories c ON c.id = l.categoryId INNER JOIN tables2025 as tab ON tab.league_id = t.league_id AND tab.team = t.id INNER JOIN datateams dt ON dt.id = t.teamId WHERE c.troncal = 1 AND t.league_id = 76460 AND tab.round = 26 ORDER BY tab.points DESC, diff DESC, tab.ga DESC, dt.nameShow ASC
5 2.7 ms controllers/home.php
SELECT total FROM bs_rel_resume_items WHERE itemId=2837 AND type_rel=2 AND ln='es'
6 1.8 ms controllers/home.php
SELECT rb.id FROM rel_budgets AS rb WHERE (rb.official_budget = 1 or rb.official_budget = 2 or rb.official_budget = 0) AND (rb.origin_team_id IN (2837) OR rb.destination_team_id IN (2837)) AND rb.year = 2025 AND rb.active = 1 LIMIT 1
7 3.2 ms controllers/home.php
SELECT ip.id as id, ip.datateamId, site_name as club,ip.json_data FROM club_projects.club_teams ct INNER JOIN club_projects.info_projects ip ON ip.id = ct.project_id WHERE ct.rel_datateamId=2837 LIMIT 1
8 1.9 ms controllers/home.php
SELECT player_id FROM rel_players rp WHERE rp.category_id=92 and rp.year=2025 AND rp.in_squad=1 AND teamId=2837
9 8.8 ms controllers/home.php
SELECT id FROM leagues WHERE categoryId=92 AND `year`=2025 ORDER BY id ASC
10 2.2 ms controllers/home.php
SELECT count(*) as total, dp.CountryCode as countryCode, dp.id as player_id, dp.nick,dt.id as teamId, dt.nameShow as teamName,dt.basealias,dt.id as team_id,dp.role,rp.squadNumber FROM events2025 e INNER JOIN dataplayers dp on dp.id= e.player_id INNER JOIN datateams dt on dt.id=e.teamId INNER JOIN rel_players rp ON rp.category_id=92 and rp.year=2025 and rp.player_id=dp.id WHERE e.league_id in (76460) AND e.action<31 AND (e.action IN (1,2,11,12,13,26)) AND dt.id=2837 GROUP BY e.player_id ORDER BY total DESC, e.player_id DESC LIMIT 50
11 4.7 ms controllers/home.php
SELECT dp.id as player_id, SUM(d.minutes) as minutes, sum(d.lineup) as lineup, sum(d.reserved) as reserved, sum(d.in) as inside, sum(d.out) as outside FROM futbol.detail_player_match d INNER JOIN datateams dt on dt.id=d.teamId INNER JOIN dataplayers dp on dp.id=d.playerId WHERE d.categoryId = 92 and d.year=2025 AND dp.id in (844366,432143,107360,295871,918058,212068,765803,588365,752840,223081,212447,317197,201030,191290,393811,346749,201022,853199,145954,98080,3209938,3200904,911587,720894,3584665,3209593,202349,3209661) GROUP BY d.playerId
12 20.2 ms controllers/home.php
SELECT count(*) as total, dp.CountryCode as countryCode, dp.id as player_id, dp.nick, dt.id as teamId, dt.nameShow as teamName, dt.basealias,dt.id as team_id,dp.role,rp.squadNumber FROM events2025 e INNER JOIN dataplayers dp on dp.id= e.player_id INNER JOIN datateams dt on dt.id=e.teamId INNER JOIN rel_players rp ON rp.category_id=92 and rp.year=2025 and rp.player_id=dp.id WHERE e.league_id in (76460) AND e.action<31 AND e.action=3 AND dt.id=2837 GROUP BY e.player_id ORDER BY total DESC, e.player_id DESC LIMIT 50
13 2.2 ms controllers/home.php
SELECT count(*) as total, dp.CountryCode as countryCode, dp.id as player_id, dp.nick, dt.id as teamId, dt.nameShow as teamName, dt.basealias,dt.id as team_id,dp.role,rp.squadNumber FROM events2025 e INNER JOIN dataplayers dp on dp.id= e.player_id INNER JOIN datateams dt on dt.id=e.teamId INNER JOIN rel_players rp ON rp.category_id=92 and rp.year=2025 and rp.player_id=dp.id WHERE e.league_id in (76460) AND e.action<31 AND e.action=4 AND dt.id=2837 GROUP BY e.player_id ORDER BY total DESC, e.player_id DESC LIMIT 50
14 2.2 ms controllers/home.php
SELECT count(*) as total, dp.CountryCode as countryCode, dp.id as player_id, dp.nick, dt.id as teamId, dt.nameShow as teamName, dt.basealias,dt.id as team_id,dp.role,rp.squadNumber FROM events2025 e INNER JOIN dataplayers dp on dp.id= e.player_id INNER JOIN datateams dt on dt.id=e.teamId INNER JOIN rel_players rp ON rp.category_id=92 and rp.year=2025 and rp.player_id=dp.id WHERE e.league_id in (76460) AND e.action<31 AND e.action=5 AND dt.id=2837 GROUP BY e.player_id ORDER BY total DESC, e.player_id DESC LIMIT 50
15 3.3 ms controllers/home.php
SELECT dp.id as player_id, SUM(d.minutes) as minutes, sum(d.lineup) as lineup, sum(d.reserved) as reserved, sum(d.in) as inside, sum(d.out) as outside FROM futbol.detail_player_match d INNER JOIN datateams dt on dt.id=d.teamId INNER JOIN dataplayers dp on dp.id=d.playerId WHERE d.categoryId = 92 and d.year=2025 AND dp.id in (3200904,752840,201022,145954,853199,720894,588365,212447,918058,765803,432143,202349,107360,3209938,3209661,393811,346749,317197,223081,191290) GROUP BY d.playerId
16 16.5 ms controllers/home.php
SELECT count(*) as total, dp.CountryCode as countryCode, dp.id as player_id, dp.nick, dt.id as teamId, dt.nameShow as teamName, dt.basealias,dt.id as team_id,dp.role,rp.squadNumber FROM events2025 e INNER JOIN dataplayers dp on dp.id= e.player_id INNER JOIN datateams dt on dt.id=e.teamId INNER JOIN rel_players rp ON rp.category_id=92 and rp.year=2025 and rp.player_id=dp.id WHERE e.league_id in (76460) AND e.action<31 AND e.action=22 AND dt.id=2837 GROUP BY e.player_id ORDER BY total DESC, e.player_id DESC LIMIT 50
17 2.7 ms controllers/home.php
SELECT dp.id as player_id, SUM(d.minutes) as minutes, sum(d.lineup) as lineup, sum(d.reserved) as reserved, sum(d.in) as inside, sum(d.out) as outside FROM futbol.detail_player_match d INNER JOIN datateams dt on dt.id=d.teamId INNER JOIN dataplayers dp on dp.id=d.playerId WHERE d.categoryId = 92 and d.year=2025 AND dp.id in (765803,588365,911587,853199,393811,223081,201022,720894,432143,212447) GROUP BY d.playerId
18 10.3 ms controllers/home.php
SELECT count(*) as total, dp.CountryCode as countryCode, dp.id as player_id, dp.nick, dt.id as teamId, dt.nameShow as teamName, dt.basealias,dt.id as team_id,dp.role,rp.squadNumber FROM events2025 e INNER JOIN dataplayers dp on dp.id= e.player_id INNER JOIN datateams dt on dt.id=e.teamId INNER JOIN rel_players rp ON rp.category_id=92 and rp.year=2025 and rp.player_id=dp.id WHERE e.league_id in (76460) AND e.action<31 AND e.action=2 AND dt.id=2837 GROUP BY e.player_id ORDER BY total DESC, e.player_id DESC LIMIT 50
19 2.2 ms controllers/home.php
SELECT dp.id as player_id, SUM(d.minutes) as minutes, sum(d.lineup) as lineup, sum(d.reserved) as reserved, sum(d.in) as inside, sum(d.out) as outside FROM futbol.detail_player_match d INNER JOIN datateams dt on dt.id=d.teamId INNER JOIN dataplayers dp on dp.id=d.playerId WHERE d.categoryId = 92 and d.year=2025 AND dp.id in (212447,720894) GROUP BY d.playerId
20 3.6 ms controllers/home.php
SELECT count(*) as total, dp.CountryCode as countryCode, dp.id as player_id, dp.nick, dt.id as teamId, dt.nameShow as teamName, dt.basealias,dt.id as team_id,dp.role,rp.squadNumber FROM events2025 e INNER JOIN dataplayers dp on dp.id= e.player_id INNER JOIN datateams dt on dt.id=e.teamId INNER JOIN rel_players rp ON rp.category_id=92 and rp.year=2025 and rp.player_id=dp.id WHERE e.league_id in (76460) AND e.action<31 AND e.action=15 AND dt.id=2837 GROUP BY e.player_id ORDER BY total DESC, e.player_id DESC LIMIT 50
21 2.1 ms controllers/home.php
SELECT count(*) as total, dp.CountryCode as countryCode, dp.id as player_id, dp.nick, dt.id as teamId, dt.nameShow as teamName, dt.basealias,dt.id as team_id,dp.role,rp.squadNumber FROM events2025 e INNER JOIN dataplayers dp on dp.id= e.player_id INNER JOIN datateams dt on dt.id=e.teamId INNER JOIN rel_players rp ON rp.category_id=92 and rp.year=2025 and rp.player_id=dp.id WHERE e.league_id in (76460) AND e.action<31 AND e.action=16 AND dt.id=2837 GROUP BY e.player_id ORDER BY total DESC, e.player_id DESC LIMIT 50
22 2.1 ms controllers/home.php
SELECT dp.id as player_id, SUM(d.minutes) as minutes, sum(d.lineup) as lineup, sum(d.reserved) as reserved, sum(d.in) as inside, sum(d.out) as outside FROM futbol.detail_player_match d INNER JOIN datateams dt on dt.id=d.teamId INNER JOIN dataplayers dp on dp.id=d.playerId WHERE d.categoryId = 92 and d.year=2025 AND dp.id in (107360) GROUP BY d.playerId
23 4 ms controllers/home.php
SELECT ct.location as cc,ct.id, ct.name as name,ct.id AS categotyId,ct.alias,ct.active_year,l.total_group,l.tables,l.current_round,l.group_code, l.year, l.id AS league_id, t.id AS team_id ,ct.ctype, ct.cat, l.table_suffix,t.conference,l.playoff,l.extraName FROM teams AS t INNER JOIN leagues AS l ON t.league_id=l.id INNER JOIN categories AS ct ON ct.id=l.categoryId WHERE t.teamId=2837 AND l.year=2025 ORDER BY ct.active_year DESC, ct.troncal=1 DESC, ct.coefficient DESC, ct.id DESC, l.group_code ASC
24 4.3 ms controllers/home.php
SELECT position FROM tables2025 WHERE team=6644398 AND league_id=76460 AND round=26
25 1.9 ms controllers/home.php
(SELECT c.shedule AS sheduleBBDD,c.minute as mminute,c.prorroga,c.finished,c.status, c.id,c.penaltis1,c.penaltis2,c.extra,rel.media_id, dt1.id AS t1_id, dt2.id AS t2_id,dt1.short_name as short_name1,dt2.short_name as short_name2, dt1.nameShow AS t1_name, dt2.nameShow AS t2_name,dt1.basealias as basealias1,dt2.basealias as basealias2, 0 AS numc, c.league_id, c.shedule AS shedule, IF(TIME(c.shedule)='00:00:00',1,0) AS no_hour, c.r1, c.r2,2025 as year, CONVERT_TZ(NOW(), 'Europe/Madrid', 'Europe/Madrid') AS cur_date , dt1.translate AS team1_translate, dt2.translate AS team2_translate, c.round,c.stadium as stadium_id,dt1.CountryCode as cc1, dt2.CountryCode as cc2,lea.playoff,lea.total_rounds
FROM calendars2025 AS c
INNER JOIN teams AS t1 ON c.team1=t1.id
INNER JOIN teams AS t2 ON c.team2=t2.id
INNER JOIN datateams AS dt1 ON t1.teamId=dt1.id
INNER JOIN datateams AS dt2 ON t2.teamId=dt2.id
LEFT JOIN rel_media_match rel ON rel.cid = c.id AND rel.year = 2025
LEFT JOIN leagues lea on lea.id=c.league_id
WHERE t1.id IN (6644398,6672783,6642134) OR t2.id IN (6644398,6672783,6642134) GROUP BY c.id)) a ORDER BY league_id ASC, shedule ASC
26 5.2 ms controllers/home.php
SELECT rs.teamId, ds.id AS stadiumId, ds.name, ds.seats, ds.yearBuilt, ds.typefield, ds.city, ds.address, ds.size, ds.fans, ds.phone, ds.fax
FROM rel_stadiums AS rs
RIGHT JOIN datastadiums AS ds ON ds.id = rs.stadium_id
WHERE rs.teamId = 16525 AND rs.active = 1
27 3.8 ms controllers/home.php
SELECT rs.teamId, ds.id AS stadiumId, ds.name, ds.seats, ds.yearBuilt, ds.typefield, ds.city, ds.address, ds.size, ds.fans, ds.phone, ds.fax
FROM rel_stadiums AS rs
RIGHT JOIN datastadiums AS ds ON ds.id = rs.stadium_id
WHERE rs.teamId = 6785 AND rs.active = 1
28 3.8 ms controllers/home.php
SELECT rs.teamId, ds.id AS stadiumId, ds.name, ds.seats, ds.yearBuilt, ds.typefield, ds.city, ds.address, ds.size, ds.fans, ds.phone, ds.fax
FROM rel_stadiums AS rs
RIGHT JOIN datastadiums AS ds ON ds.id = rs.stadium_id
WHERE rs.teamId = 2524 AND rs.active = 1
29 3.9 ms controllers/home.php
SELECT `text`, id FROM futbol.common_lang_besoccer_app WHERE lang='es' AND keyone='3165471793ef5bc01c33c8eee8de4aca'
30 2 ms controllers/home.php
SELECT `text`, id FROM futbol.common_lang_besoccer_app WHERE lang='spanish' AND keyone='a587736f77f430a8754d5bc5997f4c74'
31 1.9 ms controllers/home.php
SELECT `text`, id FROM futbol.common_lang_besoccer_app WHERE lang='spanish' AND keyone='36606e85840bb85db6521cd308082a21'
32 1.9 ms controllers/home.php
SELECT `text`, id FROM futbol.common_lang_besoccer_app WHERE lang='spanish' AND keyone='79b6ae4ce99e33b634a24499333a04bc'
33 1.8 ms controllers/home.php
SELECT `text`, id FROM futbol.common_lang_besoccer_app WHERE lang='spanish' AND keyone='6b8decc79ce0bf36a7baba7d3fa57e10'
34 2 ms controllers/home.php
SELECT `text`, id FROM futbol.common_lang_besoccer_app WHERE lang='spanish' AND keyone='71249081f8b767253cd8841324288b1c'
35 1.9 ms controllers/home.php
SELECT `text`, id FROM futbol.common_lang_besoccer_app WHERE lang='spanish' AND keyone='531a9e10f15396b097aa1513d4e89bd0'
36 1.9 ms controllers/home.php
SELECT `text`, id FROM futbol.common_lang_besoccer_app WHERE lang='spanish' AND keyone='d2db8a610f8c7c0785d2d92a6e8c450e'
37 1.9 ms controllers/home.php
SELECT * FROM futbol.categories_coef WHERE parentId=92 or sonId=92 LIMIT 1
38 1.9 ms controllers/home.php
SELECT l.id, l.current_table_round, l.current_round, l.total_group, l.penalty, l.legend, l.legendExtra, l.total_teams, l.group_code, l.tables, l.year, l.split_league, c.ctype, c.cat, l.table_suffix, l.extraName FROM futbol.categories AS c INNER JOIN futbol.leagues AS l ON c.id = l.categoryId WHERE l.categoryId = 92 AND l.year=2025 AND l.group_code>=1 AND l.group_code = 1 ORDER BY l.group_code ASC
39 2 ms controllers/home.php
SELECT DISTINCT dt.nameShow as internal_name,dt.id AS id, t.*, dt.nameShow, dt.translate, dt.short_name as abbr, dt.basealias,(cast(t.gf as signed) - cast(t.ga as signed) + 100) AS diff, team.conference, dt.countryCode FROM futbol.tables2025 AS t INNER JOIN teams AS team ON team.id = t.team INNER JOIN datateams AS dt ON team.teamId = dt.id LEFT JOIN club_projects.club_teams ct ON dt.id=ct.rel_datateamId WHERE t.league_id = 76460 AND t.round = 26 ORDER BY team.conference ASC,t.position ASC,t.priority DESC, diff DESC, t.gf DESC, dt.nameShow ASC
40 2.8 ms controllers/home.php
SELECT team, position, round FROM futbol.tables2025 WHERE league_id=76460 AND round=25 ORDER BY team ASC;
41 2 ms controllers/home.php
SELECT league_id, round FROM futbol.tables_coeff WHERE league_id = 76460 LIMIT 1
42 13.3 ms controllers/home.php
SELECT `text`, id FROM futbol.common_lang_besoccer_app WHERE lang='es' AND keyone='4e385e8aec65064e7b6b8f7357785c15'
43 1.9 ms controllers/home.php
SELECT `text`, id FROM futbol.common_lang_besoccer_app WHERE lang='es' AND keyone='731f3222d5f00c116376fec2d09c3339'
44 2 ms controllers/home.php
SELECT `text`, id FROM futbol.common_lang_besoccer_app WHERE lang='es' AND keyone='e82e1c172d123a70eb5cafbcb2780347'
45 1.9 ms controllers/home.php
TOTAL TIME 169.5 ms QUERIES 43 FILE controllers/home.php
Memcache Server version: | |
Process id of this server process | |
Number of seconds this server has been running | |
Accumulated user time for this process | seconds |
Accumulated system time for this process | seconds |
Total number of items stored by this server ever since it started | |
Number of open connections | |
Total number of connections opened since the server started running | |
Number of connection structures allocated by the server | |
Cumulative number of retrieval requests | |
Cumulative number of storage requests |